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supersale tickets


Do you want to keep growing?

Keep stretching. Keep pushing your limits.

God likes doing this to us. One day, Jesus said to Peter, “Push the boat out further to the deep water….” (Luke 5:4 GNT).

Today, God tells you to “Go deeper than you’ve been before.”

Unless you operate beyond your limits, the miracle doesn’t happen. The Bible says, “They let them down and caught such a large number of fish that the nets were about to break” (Luke 5:6 GNT). Even the nets were reaching their limits. Shucks, even the boats hit full capacity. The story says, “So they motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats so full of fish that the boats were about to sink.” (Luke 5:7 GNT) I’ve learned my lesson.

I’ve learned to live each day in such a way that God has to show up—or I accomplish nothing. If I want God to perform miracles, I need to operate outside my limits.

This is what we’re going to talk about at Kerygma Conference 2018: LIMITLESS. He is Limitless. As early as now, I’m praying that in that conference, you receive His Limitless Love, His Limitless Resources, and His Limitless Miracles.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez 

Kerygma Conference 2018
Bo Sanchez Chris Padgett Alvin Barcelona Jon Escoto Didoy Lubaton Ichel Alignay Marc Lopez JPaul Hernandez Chai Santiago
Kerygma Conference